Thursday, August 20, 2009


ALL stars are born, live for a very long time and then die. A red giant is a huge old star.

Stars are been born all the time. The start their lives star-nurseries called CLUSTER.

(1) All stars are born in huge spinning clouds of gas and dust. Our sun was born 4.6 Billion years ago.

(2)The gas and dust come together to make lots of balls, which becomes star cluster

(3)Most stars are like our soon and shine steadily for near ly all their lives.

(4)Towards the end of their lives, stars like our sun swell up and become as much as 100 times bigger. They turn into red giants. Our sun will do this in about 5 billion years time.

(5)When it has used up all its gas fuel, a red giant shrinks down into a white dwarf. It isthen about 10,000 times smaller, but still very hot.

(6)The star cools downand ends its life billion of years letar, as a black dwarf- a cold black cinder.

Stars must have at least eight times as much gas fuel as our sun to end their lives in supernova explosions.

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