Sunday, August 9, 2009


Like all stars, Our sun is a huge ball of super-hot gas. It is hottest in the middle, the temperature there is around 15 million degree celcius. The outside of the sun is a lot cooler tha the middle - only 6000 degree celcius. But this is still 25 times hotter than the hottest kitchen oven.
DARK PATCHES called sunspots come's and go on the face of the sun. They make it look as though it has chickenpox. Sunspots are dark because they are cooler and so give out less light than the rest of the sun.
Most sunspots are larger than the earth. PLANTS and ANIMALS couldnt live without the suns heat and light.
The sun is the only star that is close enough to the earth for us to feel it's heat. The next nearest star to earth is called PROXIMA CENTAUR. Our sun's light take's 8.3 minutes to reach us, but PROXIMA CENTAURs takes 4.3 years.
The sun uses more than 30 million truck loads of fuel every seconds.

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